So this is what I can never understand, I’m not working and I’m eating food I never would dare to touch at home…so why am I not gaining any weight….actually my clothes fit looser than they would at home. I’m still exercising cause running helps me feel good and gives me energy. Maybe it’s the constant running around that throws your metabolism off or the lack of processed foods such as cookies, chips and bars. It could even be the change of routine that throws your metabolism off and keeps it working better.
Whatever it is I’m going to stop worrying about it and enjoy this last week of awesome food and indulgences before it comes to an end. When I say indulgences, I mean small portions and not frequently…I think that’s the key… Trying to maintain control. Tell yourself what you’re going to concede to before being in the moment or situation where you just let go.
On another note, this week we did a lot of touring cities and keeping the boys entertained. They really loved anything that has to do with history and learning about culture. My 7 year old really paid attention to the guides and I was so surprised because I thought for sure he wouldn’t be too interested. I think it’s because they had to use their imagination to perceive what life would be like in the ancient Roman times. Try to make every moment a learning experience for you young ones. You will be surprised at how much they absorb and how you will spark their imagination.