There are always a few stigmas about entertaining that may have you steer clear of inviting guests over for the holidays. Entertaining can be easy and fun if you just take a little bit of time to plan. For some reason, this saying always comes to my head: A minute in planning saves 5 in execution. When it comes to dinner parties, nothing could be truer. Here are some things to remember that will help ensure your get together with family and friends is a satisfying one for not only your guests, but for you as well.

Plan. Plan a meal a few days before and make a list of the things you will need when you go to the grocery store. Do a run through in your mind of how the evening will go. Do your shopping the day before, as well as house cleaning and setting the table. This way, on the day of your event, you can focus on food prep. I always plan to have the prep done an hour or two before guests are supposed to arrive so I have time to shower, get ready, have a drink and relax before the evening begins.
Splurge a little. If you’re having guests, it’s always best to provide the best quality and ingredients. Just think, you would want the same treatment if you are a guest at someone else’s house. In addition, trying to be frugal will only compromise the dish you put so much time and effort into planning and preparing. If you’re preparing a meal just to ‘feed the people’ you might as well not even waste your time and money. I always think it’s best to make a good impression. Go big or go home, right.
Take shortcuts. I learned this long ago. You can’t do or make everything. As much as you want to, you will only be tired for the evening when your guests come and there’s nothing worse than a tired host. It is perfectly ok to have some element of your meal purchased or pre-made. Do some research, there are a lot of local restaurants that make good food that you can cater. Usually a protein or side is good for this because it can be re-heated without compromising the quality of the food. Also, if guests ask you what they can bring, don’t be afraid if you have something in mind. Often times it will be a dessert item. Your guests will be happy that they had the opportunity to help contribute to the evening and you will have one less thing to worry about making. Double score.
Be positive. Your energy is so important to the success of the evening. If people see you happy, it will rub off on them and dictate an great evening. If they see you running around frantically and cursing at everything that goes wrong, your guest will feel like they are an inconvenience. It’s a good idea to have some appetizers and drinks ready, and offer them to your guests as soon as they arrive. If you haven’t done so already, check out www.summerfresh.com for some great appetizer ideas.
Have fun. Remember the whole reason you are having people over is to spend time with your dear ones. People aren’t going to judge you. If you intentions are sincere and come from the heart, your guests will see this and they will truly enjoy themselves.